Achieving a Stress-Free Home with a Kitchen Cleaning Routine

The kitchen, the special place where we all go to find the comfort of homemade food can be also a war zone if you don’t define a cleaning routine.

You don’t have to sacrifice hours and hours every day cleaning your kitchen. Instead, define a routine that helps you to maintain a general tidiness and do some deep cleaning when the time arrives.


Cleaning the dishes is the main task in your kitchen. We all have to do them frequently because a kitchen that piles up mountains of dishes will never look (and smell) good. There are two options for doing the dishes: using a dishwasher or cleaning the dishes yourself.

We’ll focus on the DIY option. Actually, it doesn’t have to be only you: ask for some help in order to form a wash, rinse, dry, and put away assembly line.

Empty the dirty water and scrape the plate of food off into the disposal. Then, add the plate to the dishwasher.

If you have a double sink with a garbage disposal on one side, use the disposal-free side. In this way, you’ll be able to scrape leftovers down the drain quickly while you work.

A good tip is to choose the dishes that are going to give you trouble to get clean. Heavily soiled dishes can be put on the bottom and washed in the last place. Pans, bowls, and large dishes can be filled with hot soapy water and set on the counter to soak.

After washing the dishes, it’ll take you around five minutes every day to wipe down the sink, the stovetop, and the counters. Remember to clean your floor after all these activities, as some crumbs tend to fall on it.

Remember to take the trash outside and reline the trash container so that it is ready for the next day’s trash.


You’ll need fifteen minutes once a week to wipe the cabinets, backsplashes, and appliances. Rinse out sponges and rags. And take out the crumbles and large (but easy) stains of your kitchen utensils as the microwave, toaster and coffee maker.

You might also want to clean the rack and the inside of the garbage can. As before, remember to clean your floors and, additionally, mop them.


You’ll define how often you need to do a deep cleaning that requires emptying and scrubbing down the inside of the refrigerator. You might also want to empty and clean the insides of the utensil drawers and clean the stove-hood filter and do a deep cleaning of your kitchen utensils.

Extra Tips!

As you might guess, doing the dishes for one person is quicker than doing it for an entire family. The more people you have who live and eat in your home, the more time this process is going to take. The good thing about having more people at home is that they can help with the assembly line we mentioned before.

You can also ask your family members to clear and rinse their own plates after each meal. At the end of the day, the person in charge of doing the dishes will find his/her job easier to do.

And, as a final tip, don’t underestimate the power of efficiency. Run a sink of hot soapy water at the same time you start preparing your food. As mixing bowls, cutting boards, knives, etc., become dirty, quickly wash them out to prevent food from drying and sticking.

Please share if you know about an extra tip that you’d like to share with us!